3D Letter A

Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

soal bahasa inggris dengan pembahasan 
Texs fo questin number 1 and 2
Bandung , January 1st,2014
Dear Lusi,
This card comes with living wishes especially for you. To wish you lots of happiness todayand all year through.
Happy new year 2014.
1.)      The word “wish” in the text nearly means...
a.       See                          c.   hope
b.        Look                       d.  want
Jawab: C
Kata wish”wishes” dalam greeting card diatas bermakna harapan. Sinonim dari kata “wish” yang tepat adalah “hope”.
2.)      The purpose of the text above is…
a.       To remind someone abaut New Year.                            
b.        To greet someone for the New Year.
c.        To inform everyone abaut new Year.
d.       To invite someone to a New Year Celebration.
Jawab: B
Tujun dari greeting card diatas adalah untuk memberi ucapan selamat ulang tahun baru untuk seseorang (to greet someone for the New Year). Hal ini terlihat frasa “happy New Year 2014”.
Text for question 3 and 5
Deepest condolence and heartfelt sympathies to Drs.Iksanudin Saputra and family, the heandmaster SMP “Satriatama”Purbalingga on the recent bereavement of his  beloved
3.)     The purposeof the text is…
a.       Give symphaty of sick people.
b.        Give congratulation on someone’s condolence.
c.        Give symphty of passing people.
d.       Give congratulation of someone’s symphaty.
Jawab: C
Tujuan dari greeting card diatas adalah untuk memberi ucapan bela sungkwa  atas meninggalnya seseorang (give symphaty of passing people). Hal ini terlihat pada frasa“Deepest condolence and heartfelt symphaties)
4.)      From the text we know that…
a.       It is condolence card of Drs.Ikhsanudin’s wife passing.
b.        Drs.Ikhsanudin had passed away.
c.        Drs.Ikhsanudin’s sent the card for his wife.
d.       The card was from the headmaster.
Jawaban: A
Kartu ucapan tersebut adalah kartu ucapan untuk Drs.Ikhsanudin(it is condolence card of Drs.Ikhsanudin’s wife passing). Hal ini terlihat pada frasa “deepst condolence and heartfelt symphaties to Drs.Ikhsanudin on the recent bereavemet his beloved wife”.
5.)      The word “his” refers to…
a.       Heandmaster of our school.                            c.)   the writer of the card.
b.        The wife of Drs.Ikhsanudin.                             d.)  the reader of the card.
Jawab; B
Kata his dalam greeting card tersebut merujuk kedalam kata istri Drs.Ikhsanudin). hal ini terlihat pada frasa  “his beloved wife”. 
The following text for question 6 and 7

                                                               Exclusive facial cotton
                                                    100% pure cotton without bleaching
                                               Ensures better absorbency and comfort for
                                                               Cosmetic application
                                            Hygienic way to remove make up and cleanser
                                                  Its softness is suitable for baby’s skin
6.       What is the main function of the Eclusive facial cotton?
A.      To soften baby’s skin
B.      To comfort the face
C.        To absorb cosmetics
D.      To clean make up
Jawab : D
Maksud dari pertanyaan “what is the main function of the exclusive facial cotton?” adaah fungsi utama dari exclusive facial cotton.Jawaban ada di kalimat “hygienic way to remove make up and cleanser” Maka jawaban yang tepat adala to clean make up.
7.        From the text above we know that exclusive facial cotton is…
A.      Hygienic I certain items
B.      Pure white without chemical process
C.       White with certain addition substances
D.      Natural because of no chemical process
Jawab : D
Jawaban dari pertanyaan diatas adalah dengan mencari peryataan yang sesuai dengan teks dari pilihan jawaban yang ada.Maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah “natural because of no chemical process.”
The following text for question 8 to 10
To celebrate the school anniversary,the board of studied association will hold some contest.They will be held from 24 to 26 April 2014.Those who are interested to join should register themselves to the committee.The registration will be close a day before the contest.All participant must fill in the registration form.The form can be obtained in the OSIS room.For further information,please contact Yasinta at 08156478910

Chief of OSIS
8.        How long will the contest be held?
A.      About a week                                               C.      Three days
B.      Two days                                                       D.      Twenty four days
Jawab ; C
Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat dilihat pada pernyataan “they will be held from 24 to 26 April 2014”.Yang berarti bahwa contest akan dilakukan selama 3 hari.
9.        Those who interested to jon should
A.      Contact Yasinta or Andika
B.      Remember the time of the event
C.        Celebrate the school anniversary
D.      Fill in the form the register themselves
Jawab : D
Jawaban dari pertanyaan terebut bisa diketahui dari pernyataan tersebut bisa diketahui dari pernyataan berikut “Those who are interested to join shoud register themselves to the committee.”
10.     “They will be held from 24 to 29 April 2014.”
What does the word “they: refers to
A.      Some contest
B.      OSIS member
C.       School anniversary
D.      The participant
“They” pada pernyataan itu merujuk pada kalimat sebelumnya yaitu “some contest”

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